MLcontrol Touch Screen Interface for MidiLite II
MLcontrol v2.0 is now available! Upgrades are available from v1.x as well as a
software only version and options for a site license.
The MLcontrol touch screen system for the MidiLite II dimmer system provides manual control, complex effects and cuelist creation for running a show without requiring MIDI sequencing or programming.

Do takes, fades, wipes, DME effects, ramps, graduates and more with this powerful,
yet simple to operate control system.

The package includes the touch screen, Mac mini processor,
MIDI adapter and MLcontrol software.

Now also available:
MLcontrol Keypad

Use with your MLcontrol system for quick keypad access. Commands available include:
GO, Select Cue, Select Step,
Next/Prev Cue, Next/Prev Step,
Fade Time +/-, Graduate Angle +/-.